Friday, June 01, 2007
YouTube video up
This link is to the play list of all 21 chapters.
Click on it and they should all play in order. If you want to pick out individual chapters those should be listed on the YouTube page as well.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Final Google Earth Files

GPS_Boat+Car.kmz (125kB)
This file contains boat and wind vectors in addition to the GPS Lat & Long information.

The road trip on the island of Madeira:
GPS_Car_Madeira.kmz (34kB)

GPS_Car_To_Marrakech.kmz (18kB)
GPS_Car_From_Marrakech.kmz (16kB)

GPS_Boat.kmz (56kB)
This file contains boat and wind vectors in addition to the GPS Lat & Long information.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
The End
We left El Jadida after topping off our fuel tank and refilling our jerry cans. Refueling was quite the experience because the port did not have a fuel dock. We had to put our empty cans on a cart that a man pulled by hand to the nearest gas station.
We’ve decided to make
Sailing through the
We are in the process now of cleaning the boat up and making it presentable. On Monday, we are going to drive to
Saturday, December 09, 2006
End of the Line

More pictures will be up later tonight.
The rest of the pictures from Shane along with his captions follow. Click on them to enlarge.

A little visitor that joined our sail to Gibraltar

The Gryphon at port in Gibraltar.

Surfing down a wave during the storm

Smiling at the storm. Is this the best you can do?

On dry land in Gibraltar

The around-the-world bio-diesel boat that we saw in Boston Harbor

Walid at the helm as we filled our fuel tank and jerry cans in Boston

Villages scattered around the mountains of Madeira

A curious seal peered up at us in Boston Harbor

Getting some very much needed rest inside

Saying goodbye to Boston

Fishing boats in the harbor at El Jadid

The port of Funchal in Madeira

Guided to port in El Jadida by the local fishermen

A little village in the backwaters of Morocco

The Berber antique shop in Marrakech

The market in Marrakech

Some things just don't need a translation

Snake charmers in Marrakech

Our off-roading beast of a Ford

Which way to Marrakech?

Camels on the beach in El Jadida

The Portuguese fortress guarding the port in El Jadida

A view from our hotel roof in Marrakech

Night at sea

The Gryphon at port in El Jadida

First sightings of El Jadida

Approaching Madeira after 18 days at sea

Cheers to Madeira!

The lighthouse guarding the eastern edge of Madeira

Our patched mainsail

Arriving in Madeira
Boston MA to Gibraltar
They are safe and sound and Shane's said it was the adventure of his life. He will be heading to a cafe tonight with Internet access and getting me a large post of pictures for everyone. I'll update the blog as soon as I get them. I will also have all of their final GPS data to update the Google Earth files, apparently they will have the data from their car drive through Morocco as well.
Shane plans to fly back Monday to Boston. He will have the 1 Terabyte hard drive in hand that is full of the high definition pictures taken from the on board camera once every second. Seth and I will in the coming weeks work as quick as we can to get the time lapse movie made of the entire voyage. I'll follow up with Shane for a list of everyone who wants a copy of the DVD.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Mobbed in Marrakech
Where to begin? After leaving Madeira we set sail towards the coast of
Although we had maps of
The fishermen guided us past the break wall and into the harbor. A medieval Portuguese castle stood guard over dozens of wooden fishing boats of all sizes lashed side-by-side. All the fishermen stopped and stared at the Gryphon as she traveled through the narrow channel into the port. We were the only non-local vessel. We tied off to a large concrete wall and came ashore to clear immigration and customs. I think that we were the first visitors by sea this town had seen in weeks based on the old date that was set on the immigration officer’s stamp. After clearing customs and speaking with the local police, we hired a “guardian” to watch over the boat and to make sure that nothing “happened” to it.
With the boat in safe hands (or so we thought) we headed into town to find a place to stay. We checked into a hotel, got cleaned up, and headed downstairs for a celebratory beverage. At the bar Walid began a conversation with an older gentleman who turned out to be the Minister of French Culture in
Afterwards, he goes down to the port to check on the boat with his new found friends. Our guardian greets them plastered out of his mind. He starts yelling at one of the Minister’s friends (the local baker) and would not let him into the shipyard because he was a Muslim. After several minutes of heated debate to no avail, Walid parted company and went down to the pier by himself. He ended up staying the night on the boat instead of walking back to the hotel.
After taking some antibiotics and Pepto, I felt much better the next morning. We rented a car and planned to drive north to
Our rental was a compact, front-wheel drive Ford Fiesta. Why not go off-roading? Scattered throughout the hills were these small towns with buildings made entirely of mud bricks and thatched roofs. We headed off the “main” road into the hills on what appeared to be a donkey-cart trail. The town was something out of a movie. Chickens and goats were roaming between the houses. Eyes peered out at us behind the dark windows. They did not know quite what to make of us. The trail we were following soon ended and we saw the main road in the distance. We headed towards it through a rocky field and down a very steep embankment. With just a few scrapes we managed to get back onto the road and continued our journey south.
After exploring the countryside further and visiting several small villages, we arrived in Marrakech to find it a bustling cosmopolitan of old and new traditions. We checked into a wonderful hotel that used to be an old courtyard-style mansion. It was gorgeous! Every room in this three-story palace overlooked the courtyard and was intricately decorated with colorful tiles and mosaics. The roof deck overlooked the city’s skyline of spires and towers.
The streets of Marrakech were narrow and filled with vendors selling everything imaginable from lamps to livers. At the center of town was an enormous marketplace and bazaar. Snake charmers mesmerized cobras and vipers as they swayed to and fro. Merchants sold carpets and other wares. Smoke from grills cooking lamb, beef, and chicken filled the air. We happened to arrive during an international film festival and a giant screen and projector loomed on the far side of the square. With my blonde hair and blue eyes, more than once I was asked if I was from “ollie-wud,” here for the festival.
After eating a wonderful dinner of lamb tagine we set off to explore the city. We found a very eclectic shop selling antiques and other local goods. After a few minutes of haggling, we purchased a couple ornate rifles and some antique jewelry. We had interest in so many other items that the owner invited us back the next day to have lunch with him, claiming that his wife made the best tagine in
If we had thought the market during the day was colorful, the night-time experience proved to be much more intriguing. Upon a suggestion by the merchant we went to a very shady and seedy cabaret with belly dancing and hookah pipes. What a sight! Smoke filled the air as scantily clad dancers jiggled to exotic music encouraged by drunken hollering. Kuwaiti oil sheiks threw money into the air as the dancers gracefully seduced them. We were the only non-Arabs in the establishment. Walid’s Lebanese heritage allowed him to blend in relatively well. I, on the other hand, was a lost cause and stood out like a sore thumb. We smoked pipes while watching the dancers and listening to the enchanting music.
And then the night became very interesting. Walid had a bit too much to drink and wandered off in a drunken stupor while I was in the bathroom. I came back to our table with him nowhere to be found. As I was looking for him around the club, it became very apparent that I was no longer welcome without my Arab sponsorship. I tried to explain that my friend was still there but I was told that I was not allowed to wander around the establishment by myself. Evidently they didn’t like Americans…hmmm…I wonder why? I was escorted back to my table somewhat forcibly, asked to pay our bill, and then directed to leave. Not to cause a scene, I complied and went outside. Luckily, Walid hadn’t wandered too far away before falling asleep on a bench. I flagged down a taxi and managed to communicate to the driver (barely) where we were staying. I’ve traveled to many places in many foreign lands, and never once had I felt so unwelcome. Nevertheless, all ended well and it will make for a great story!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
For Shane and Walid, Questions from
Do you have to "file a flight" plan to cross the ocean?
If so, with whom?
What's the longest sailing trip you've taken before this?
This trip is by far the longest time at sea for either of us. We have both sailed around New England, the Caribbean, and the
Do you wear some sort of tether when you’re outside the cabin?
Yes, we have tethers that connect to our life-jacket harnesses. We wear them whenever we go outside at night or during stormy seas.
Hey! That's one big steering wheel!
Yup! If you are going to have a boat, it better look cool! Actually, having a large steering wheel gives you additional leverage as well as allows you to be on the high side of the boat when it is heeling.
Did you get seasick? Do you normally?
I usually don’t get motion sickness, but I felt very queasy at the beginning of trip for a day or two. After awhile your body gets used to the motion of the waves. In fact, after you’ve been at sea for an awhile, you’ll get sick when you step back onto land. During the first day on
What do you miss the most?
Shane: dry land
Walid: his girlfriend Colleen
What do you not miss the most?
Shane: the daily grind
Walid: bills and daily tasks
Are you sailing the boat back to the
No, Walid is planning to sell the boat in
Would you do it again? Perhaps it's too soon to ask :-)
I would definitely do it again! Next time, though, I would do it earlier in the year and make more stops along the way.
Did you take pictures? Movies? Can we see those dolphins?!
Yes, but due to our limited internet connection we have a hard time sending pictures from sea. Once we get back on land, I’ll post more pictures. We have some great movies of the dolphins! Also, Craig is going to put together an awesome, hi-def movie using pictures from the camera mounted on the back of the boat.
Did you know you sailed right by the Titanic? (+/- a few km)
We were on the lookout for icebergs the entire time!
You guys are amazing, have a great rest of your voyage!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Mutiny on the Gryphon?
- Shane is quite taken with the beauty of the island stopover (just as Fletcher Christian and his band of mutineers were)
- the Bounty had some problems with rotten sails--and technical problems that demoralized the men.
- the naked Tahitian dancing girls are tempting Shane to stay---just like the crew of the Bounty.
- Shane has resented the 12 lashes you handed down as punishment for losing iBoat satellite contact during the storm.
- reading between the lines in the blog, Shane states--"at first chance I put Walid over in the rescue dinghy--and I'll take control of Gryphon myself--return to Madeira and the king size bed, real food and demon rum!"
As you can see--things are slow here on shore! Happy sailings to Africa and Spain--and the beautiful Med
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
New Pictures
Running with the Big Boys
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!

A picture of the boat with spinnaker flying
Land Ho!
We’ve arrived in
We pulled into the harbor at Funchal on the south side of the island. Taking my first step onto land was very disorienting. I could not walk in a straight line and had to hold onto the railing. I bet the immigration officials thought we had hit the rum one too many times! After clearing customs we sat down at a little restaurant in the marina and had our first fresh meal in weeks. The first bite of lightly toasted garlic bread dipped in olive oil was beyond description. We had a meal of fresh (just caught an hour ago by a local fisherman) fish, shrimp, fruit, and vegetables. Simply amazing!
After stuffing ourselves until we could eat no more, we wandered into town and checked into a hotel. Washing away more than two weeks of filth and grime never felt better! I slept so well that night in a warm, clean, king-size bed with cotton sheets!
The next day we rented a convertible and drove around the island. The tropical landscape and rugged terrain was just breathtaking. The roads were very narrow and curvy, switching back and forth through the mountains. Driving was such a pleasure!
Gluttons for punishment, we will probably leave port tomorrow after making a few more repairs. The storm appears to be calming down and we should have light winds on our way to the Med. It will be very hard to leave such a beautiful island, though.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
1) Check into a nice Hotel
2) Take a long hot shower
3) Hit the Snack Bar O Garrafao and have a nice tenderloin steak (Shane's Fav)
4) Back to the hotel for a soak in the hot tub
5) Retire to my soft bed for 12 hours uninterrupted of sleep
If anyone has heard from them post a comment.
click on map pic to see the Snack Bar O Garrafao! :)